Christina is a 22-year-old female with no significant past medical history. She is presented with weight loss despite good appetite. She also complains of heat intolerance, profuse sweating, and palpitations. She said that these symptoms had started about 3-month ago. She recently went to a walk-in clinic with a slight increase in her body temperature and was given symptomatic treatment for common cold, but she did not feel better. Her symptoms became even worse.
On examination:
- Height: 165 cm, Weight: 62.7 kg (was 67 kg 3 months ago), BMI: 23
- BP: 145/60 mmHg, Heart rate: 112/min, Respiratory rate: 20/min, Temperature: 37.3 0C, O2SAT: 98%
- Staring look, lid lag, proptosis. Sweaty hands with thin skin. Fine tremor. Diffusely enlarged, non-tender mass on the anterior neck
According to the patient’s symptoms and signs, which organ is affected and requires further assessment?